Detailed Narrative/ Description of Project :
Organise, edit and communicate a documentation about water management in Germany- Experiences and Achievements.
Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff :
Editor, Author, PR-Management and Translation inclusive Internet presentationProject Details
Water Management in Germany – Experiences and Achievements
In 2001, the World Water Congress will be hosted by the German Government. For this purpose, the Federal Minister of the Environment sided to prepare a documentation about the German water management – explaining the institutional frame, the technical and economical achievements and the experiences with the various solutions found in the federalistic and decentralised structure of the German water sector.
Following a very competitive tender, the Prof. Rudolph Consultants were chosen and charged to act as editor of such the documentation, collecting articles from leading water firms and institutions such as Gelsenwasser, Ruhrwasser International, Berlinwasser, Thüringer Talsperrenverwaltung, water authorities and municipalities. The assignments includes the editors function for this documentation, the organisation of a translation into important languages (English, Spanish, Russian) and the set-up of a professional internet presentation.
For this task, intensive activities of public relation and communication with professional associations, NGO’s and public institutions is necessary. Several workshops were held.